This US city has banned the construction of new gas stations due to the increase in electric vehicles
At least two electric vehicle chargers must be installed at every new gas stations that are constructed. A US city has decided to prohibit the opening of new gas stations due to politicians’ “obligation” to address climate change. There are currently five stations in Lousiville, Colorado, a town of about 21,000 inhabitants close to Denver. Although a sixth was just authorized, it might be the city’s final one. As per the latest municipal legislation, it may be inferred that prohibiting gasoline stations could potentially encourage the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) which would lower vehicle emissions and promote the use of cleaner, low-carbon energy choices for transportation. It goes on to say that the reason a cap on gas stations rather than a complete ban is being considered is that demand will persist as more electric vehicles are gradually introduced. According to the law, all new gas stations that are given a waiver from the prohibition or those that undergo modifications must also install two electric vehicle chargers. Additionally, they must be separated from current ones by at least 1000 feet, or little over 300 meters. The building of new gas stations was prohibited until September 2023 by an emergency…