Home Forums Discussions Wishlist for VF8

  • Wishlist for VF8

    40 VF Points
    08/02/2023 at 02:18

    Hi guys

    We have a small FB group for VF owners called VinFast Friend Support. We put together a list of future enhancements for VF8s:

    -Battery Temperature shows on mobile app

    -Sentry mode

    -A way to turn off car like regular ICE cars (currently you need to lock the car to turn it off) >< A way to just unlock the car without turning on car’s computer if you just need to put something in the car or install car seats 😀

    -Turn indicator show on HUB as as well dashboard

    -Schedule charging capability (to take advantage of TOU electricity pricing)

    -A way to reset car computer (like Ctrl+Alt+Del in PC). The volume button doesnt completely reset the car computer.

    Feel free to add more to this list. Thank you



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Oldest Comment


    40 VF Points
    08/04/2023 at 02:27

    I wish no lagging in video for the back up camera. There is a delay in the display (or slow screen refresh rate?) that if you depend on it and start backing up the car, you might be in unexpected trouble should a fast-going vehicle be crossing your path..

  • Scott Davis

    0 VF Points
    08/02/2023 at 11:03

    Their is a way to reboot computer. I think it is brake and volume power for 30s but could be wrong

    • Natalie Ly

      40 VF Points
      08/02/2023 at 23:13

      Hi Scott

      Stepping on brake and holding volume button to reset? I havent tried that.

      How long have you had your vf8 and where are you located?

      • Scott Davis

        0 VF Points
        08/04/2023 at 13:40

        Got mine end of March. In San diego

    • Li Li Huynh

      0 VF Points
      08/11/2023 at 20:03

      There is a way to reset the car. Kind of like unplug and replug. You just have to hold the “Lock” button until you see the V on the big screen shutting off. Then wait for about 10-15 minutes to turn it back on. I hope this will help!

      • Natalie Ly

        40 VF Points
        08/12/2023 at 11:16

        Hi Li
        Wow another tip. Thank you
        How long have you had the car and where are you located?

      • Benjamin Nguyen

        40 VF Points
        02/13/2024 at 12:54

        Hi Li Li, is it the car doors lock button insde the car, or the lock button on the remote? Thanks.

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