Home Forums Battery & Charging Free Charging Sessions at Volta

  • Free Charging Sessions at Volta

    0 VF Points
    08/02/2023 at 00:16

    A while ago, I did see Volta but just assumed another regular charging station till a VF8 owner pointed out that it didn’t cost $ to charge there.

    I did a little digging and found that they do offer FREE charging (30 mins max for level 3 and 2 hours max for level 2).

    How are they FREE?

    • Business plazas install Volta attract more traffic to their venues
    • Volta also earns $ from ads on their charging screens

    A few of them are not free, so make sure to check before charging. Screenshot of fee-based charge for reference.

    Thank you

    Have you charged at Volta before?

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Oldest Comment

  • Gabriel Rodriguez

    0 VF Points
    08/18/2023 at 17:20

    Thank you for the tip!😀

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