Home Forums Discussions Wishlist for VF8

  • Wishlist for VF8

    40 VF Points
    08/02/2023 at 02:18

    Hi guys

    We have a small FB group for VF owners called VinFast Friend Support. We put together a list of future enhancements for VF8s:

    -Battery Temperature shows on mobile app

    -Sentry mode

    -A way to turn off car like regular ICE cars (currently you need to lock the car to turn it off) >< A way to just unlock the car without turning on car’s computer if you just need to put something in the car or install car seats 😀

    -Turn indicator show on HUB as as well dashboard

    -Schedule charging capability (to take advantage of TOU electricity pricing)

    -A way to reset car computer (like Ctrl+Alt+Del in PC). The volume button doesnt completely reset the car computer.

    Feel free to add more to this list. Thank you



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  • Carl Dziuk

    0 VF Points
    07/31/2024 at 20:20

    – garage door operation – from the console

    – better feel from the accelerator – right now i press it pretty far from a stop and there’s little response. It should be more sensitive

  • Sean Kirby

    0 VF Points
    09/13/2024 at 11:29

    A sound system software update to allow more control…The equalizer is not sensitive enough and always biases Highs and lows…no midrange….Too much reverb. Or Surround sound in the plus. I am happy with the car overall…and I had better sounding sound system in every car I have owned since the 90’s …..second annoyance arebthe blinkers….frustrating at times to turn off …and the need for a page showing how efficient you are driving..

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