Home Forums Discussions Wishlist for VF8

  • Wishlist for VF8

    0 VF Points
    08/02/2023 at 02:18

    Hi guys

    We have a small FB group for VF owners called VinFast Friend Support. We put together a list of future enhancements for VF8s:

    -Battery Temperature shows on mobile app

    -Sentry mode

    -A way to turn off car like regular ICE cars (currently you need to lock the car to turn it off) >< A way to just unlock the car without turning on car’s computer if you just need to put something in the car or install car seats 😀

    -Turn indicator show on HUB as as well dashboard

    -Schedule charging capability (to take advantage of TOU electricity pricing)

    -A way to reset car computer (like Ctrl+Alt+Del in PC). The volume button doesnt completely reset the car computer.

    Feel free to add more to this list. Thank you



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  • Carl Dziuk

    0 VF Points
    07/31/2024 at 20:20

    – garage door operation – from the console

    – better feel from the accelerator – right now i press it pretty far from a stop and there’s little response. It should be more sensitive

  • Sean Kirby

    0 VF Points
    09/13/2024 at 11:29

    A sound system software update to allow more control…The equalizer is not sensitive enough and always biases Highs and lows…no midrange….Too much reverb. Or Surround sound in the plus. I am happy with the car overall…and I had better sounding sound system in every car I have owned since the 90’s …..second annoyance arebthe blinkers….frustrating at times to turn off …and the need for a page showing how efficient you are driving..

    • Troung Cao

      0 VF Points
      10/04/2024 at 13:08

      Blinker Cancel button doesn’t even work, so why offer it? They need to change the blinker stock and functionality. I drive around looking like a 90yr old cause I can’t get the blinkers to turn off.

    • Brian Tunget

      0 VF Points
      12/14/2024 at 06:06

      My BMW M Roadster had a legendary bad stereo. My GLB was also horrible. On the other side, my SLK is awesome.

      In comparison, I find the VF8 to be pretty good with some manipulation of the EQ settings.

      My custom settings work good for most music. This is with full focus which gives a surround type of effect.

      My reference for this is TOOL – ‘The Pot’ which places the first rototom hits behind your head.

      Anyway, try these.

      You may wish to lower the 250 Hz a notch or 2. This adds a little drive for most music but also muddies the sound a bit.

      I don’t recommend the bass above this. It will add that bass bias that we all know from any rental vehicle that a young person rented. There is more than enough bass here and most likely still above where it was monitored in the studio.

      If you want clearer sound, focus on the front seats. Full focus, gives a fuller sound but does add a bit of bass bias.

  • Troung Cao

    0 VF Points
    10/04/2024 at 13:47

    Fix the Blinkers

    and Fix the slow charging after 70%. Other EV’s allow fast charge up to 80% SoC then slow down. That 10% with the limited range already makes a big difference.

  • Troung Cao

    0 VF Points
    10/08/2024 at 11:44

    It’s been almost 4 days, and My post hasn’t shown up.

    Has anyone else had issues with the car autosteering in the wrong direction?

    My Post that is still under moderation review”

    Today while merging onto the highway, there was a split to go left towards highway, right towards surface streets. I have taken this route with the car about 4 times prior without issue. Today for some reason it beeped and jerked the car severely to the left and I had to fight the wheel pretty hard. If the card had its way I would have gone down the ditch. How do I pull data logs to make a complaint to NHTSA? Happened on 10/4 around 8am PST. “

    • Charles Winham

      0 VF Points
      10/08/2024 at 15:02

      I had the same issue, I turned off the lane keeping function and that solved this issue – OTW, it’s dangerous!

      • Troung Cao

        0 VF Points
        10/16/2024 at 09:05

        Today the car was full of malfunction alerts. While driving straight on 101 soutbound centered in marked lanes, the car alerts went off and it tried to veer right to the next lane. There was no reason for this. I just so happened to be on the phone with customer service. There are definitely issues with the systems.

  • Charles Winham

    0 VF Points
    10/08/2024 at 15:00

    Outside temperature display

    Ability to use delayed charging (some of the cheaper Level 2 chargers allow you delay charging up to 12 hours) to take advantage of TOU savings

  • Charles Winham

    0 VF Points
    10/08/2024 at 15:01

    Alexa advertises that it can operate smart home devices but I get a message that only licensed Alexas can perform that function

  • tuan le

    0 VF Points
    10/09/2024 at 19:04

    I agree with the ON/OFF wish. I have a 2024 VF8 Plus – one-week old. I wish for no delay in acceleration. The car gave me a heart attack when I stepped on the pedal at the light merging onto the freeway and the car hesitated for half a second. Other than that the car is great! YouTube is full of distorted information. I joined the Vinfast Fan Support Group but awaiting approval. Anyone knows how long?

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