Home Forums Discussions Unfortunately VF8 is not ready for Prime Time

  • Unfortunately VF8 is not ready for Prime Time

    40 VF Points
    11/08/2023 at 20:41

    After 7 months of back and forth we have come to the point that there is no fixing our VF8.

    Between Brick sessions, Limp Mode and none of the safety features working and no fix in site. 360 camera doesn’t work (had it fixed twice already) door handle lock button doesn’t work(had it fixed once), Charging is not consistent, faults on a regular basis.

    The service team has been great, however the software fixes are not coming from service, rather from remote software engineers and all of the issues seem to be software related.

    We were offered a new car but all the terms reset plus a year was added for payments. Seriously? The current car doesn’t work and you offer a new car at an increased cost? Fool my once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

    It was a great idea but a failed experiment. Starting the process for a full refund and selling my VF9 voucher.




Oldest Comment

  • Mohamed Sufi-Ismail

    0 VF Points
    06/03/2024 at 22:52

    Please let me know how the full refund goes. I may be onboard. You are absolutely right, VF8 is NOT ready for prime time. It’s a shame, I like the style and the drive…😞

  • Jim Calkins

    40 VF Points
    05/17/2024 at 10:08

    Chris, Were you successful in getting a refund?

  • Gabriel Rodriguez

    0 VF Points
    02/14/2024 at 23:32

    I’ve had my VF8 Plus for 2 months now and I love the way it drives but I agree it was not ready for primetime. VF brought it to market 1 year too early. I agree it’s a new company and has a lot of quirks to work out BUT when you are promoting the car as a luxury car and for a luxury price, I would expect to receive a car in close to perfect condition. Maybe VF should have sold the first lot at a lower price until the quirks got worked out, we shouldn’t have to pay a luxury price for a car that is not ready. Anyone else would feel the same way if they bought another luxury car brand and had many issues pop up within the first week. I’m not saying I want to return the car as I know once the quirks are cleared up, it’ll be a great car to hold on to but current facts speak for themselves.

    • Phuong Pham

      0 VF Points
      02/15/2024 at 16:46

      Yah, I think their first strategy was so wrong. Their initial price point was insane because of the lack of quality and software issue.

      If they did the $249 lease at the beginning of the launch, and had their vehicle tested and fixed the issue first, then they would have been in the better position now.

      I love my VF8 eco and wish they could be successful in the US. Maybe, for the VF9 launch, they should do it slowly and more cautiously. Because I don’t think the can handle the another lost with VF9 like VF8.

      • Gabriel Rodriguez

        0 VF Points
        02/16/2024 at 11:25

        I agree! Although I don’t care for leases, I would have made an exception with the VF8. It would have allowed me a way to unload the car if issues were never resolved or purchase at the end of the lease. It would have alleviated one of my main concerns of getting the car. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping they have learned from their mistakes.

      • ted pan

        0 VF Points
        02/26/2024 at 21:50

        At 249 the investor Le will no be happy, specially two year ago, the car market was hot. Model Y can sale 70k. Nowdays 45k for model y long range.


    40 VF Points
    02/02/2024 at 06:29

    @Hung Giang: if you own a property and cannot pay your mortgage and if your bank accepts a short sale on your property, your debt will be forgiven and you don’t owe the bank anything, right? But you still have to file that forgiven debt as income and hence, INCOME TAX!

    And FYI, I am NOT a VinFast employee. LOL. I am an owner of 2 VF8s, however. And as I said, call the IRS and ask them if your compensation from VinFast is taxable. Or just don’t include your 1099 in your income tax filing and try to argue with the IRS when they.. visit you!

  • Hung Giang

    0 VF Points
    01/31/2024 at 22:18

    For the record, I was a supporter of Vinfast and I was the VF8 pioneer. After 9 months, 2 VF8, Vinfast bought my car back.

    Today, I received a 1099 from Vinfast for the incentive that they paid me after my first car was in their shop for almost 2 weeks.

    Vinfast is making like I earn something from them on the 1099 for almost $900. This is rediculous. They paid for the damages and Vinfast is forcing me to pay income tax on this.

    I am no longer a supporter of Vinfast. They do not know how to do legitimate business in America. They can be king in Vietnam, but not here.

    Vinfast California management, please do not ask me to remove my post again since I will not.

    • Natalie Ly

      40 VF Points
      01/31/2024 at 23:43

      It seems that the after sales/ goodwill policy has its drawbacks after all.

      I think VF provided you 1099 is the right thing to do after seeing this IRS rule.

      I am no expert at this. Just wanna chime in from what i found out.

      I hope VF provides you a clear explanation soon.


      40 VF Points
      02/01/2024 at 02:17

      In America, anything you earn counts as “income” and must be declared for income tax purposes. And the party that pays you must report it to the IRS so that’s what VinFast did. If you have lived in the US long enough, you should know this. It’s nothing personal but VinFast is only doing its job as far as the law requires it to do. It’s your job now to pay for the income tax on the money you received. File a complaint to the IRS if you think the tax law is unfair to you.

      • Hung Giang

        0 VF Points
        02/01/2024 at 20:13

        This is not something that I earned from Vinfast. This is what Vinfast compensated for loss of services. Just like an insurance company pays for your loss of services of your vehicle when you got into an accident. You do not pay for tax for your loss. Please read up more before making any defenses.

        Hung Pham, you should learn more about ‘In America, …’ Obviously, you work for Vinfast and tried to defend your company. This shows you guys are ignorant and are lacking of American culture and common laws/practices… Learn more about this area before opening up your mouth like this my friend.

  • Benjamin Nguyen

    40 VF Points
    11/20/2023 at 09:32

    Scratching my head, why VF doesn’t offer a new car with original terms? You lost a customer you could have saved…

  • Gabriel Rodriguez

    0 VF Points
    11/09/2023 at 17:53

    I agree with Natalie, you should have been offered a replacement (new) car under the original terms. Surprised this was not offered or addressed by Vinfast as this was a lemon. Have you looked at the California lemon law to see if this applies?

    • Natalie Ly

      40 VF Points
      11/10/2023 at 18:27

      On facebook, Chris updated that VF will refund him.

  • Natalie Yee

    0 VF Points
    11/09/2023 at 07:37

    Sorry to hear of your disappointment. I would agree you would have been done right by Vinfast with a new car with the payment terms of the original. I would have asked Vinfast why not the new car with original terms? I have one of the newer regular VF8 Plus with the CATL battery (264 miles EPA range) and I’ve not experienced those issues you’ve had.

  • VF Staff 02

    0 VF Points
    11/08/2023 at 20:53

    Dear Chris Gerrick,

    Thank you for contacting VinFast and reporting these issues to us. We understand how frustrated this may cause and we sincerely apologize.

    We’re thankful for your understanding and patience until now. Your feedback is well acknowledged by VinFast team, we are working with related departments and will make sure to contact you back once the resolution is provided.

    Should you require any further assistance, please let us know by calling directly at (833) 503-0600 (24/7). Thank you and have a great day ahead!

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