Home Forums Discussions Should we meet each other more?

  • Should we meet each other more?

    0 VF Points
    09/11/2023 at 01:47

    What do you think if we have a fixed meeting schedule every month in CA with our VF? I’m in Northern California. I love one-day trips to lakes or parks with camping and lots of trees. Is there anyone have a same favorites like me?




Oldest Comment

  • Natalie Yee

    0 VF Points
    11/08/2023 at 10:49

    Cecil, I’m trying organize a NorCal Vinfast VF8 meet with my local dealer (Corte Madera.) Possible a Cars and Coffee….Stay tuned. Anyone else interested in Norcal?

  • Natalie Ly

    40 VF Points
    09/13/2023 at 01:56

    I personally have met and become close friends with a few owners down here in SCal. We plan to have a quarterly meet-up down here. If you wanna join our private fb group, let me know 😀 We have owners from SCal, NCal, Canada and Vietnam all share experience with each other.

    • D P

      40 VF Points
      09/14/2023 at 13:17

      What s the FB group? I am interested

      • Natalie Ly

        40 VF Points
        09/15/2023 at 09:04

        VinFast Friend Support. What’s your name btw?

  • hoang van

    0 VF Points
    09/12/2023 at 21:42

    Park sounds fun. I like Parks! There were a few VF users meet up in SoCal couple of months ago. Though I have never heard of NorCal customers doing the same thing.

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