Home Forums Owner’s Tips Missing AM Radio on your VF8?

  • Missing AM Radio on your VF8?

    40 VF Points
    10/11/2023 at 18:46

    For the last 7 months of driving, I missed listening to my favorite talk shows on AM radio station and wondered why VinFast left AM out of its radio receception! Thanks to Mr. Mo from Canada, I just learned and successfully tuned in to my AM Radio station yesterday so conveniently via ALEXA. Actually, changing any radio station, AM or FM, can be done by asking Alexa to do it for you! No more fumbling through icons to do that from now on!;-)




Newest Comment

  • Natalie Ly

    40 VF Points
    10/13/2023 at 09:08

    Thank you for sharing. I only listen to music from YouTube music while on apple car play, i couldn’t be of help then. Glad it worked.

  • Venu Kanneganti

    0 VF Points
    03/01/2024 at 21:47

    Can you let me know how to activate it on VF8. I just got one. I need AM and FM as I’m a big Radio user

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by  kvenubabu.
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