An Update on California’s Sale Ban on Gas-Powered Vehicles
In August, California regulators voted to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles from 2035 to tackle the rising threat of climate change. With California being the largest EV market in the world, it’s not difficult to see the state proceeding with an all-EV future a decade from now. Not only that, but the neighboring state of Nevada is also looking to follow suit by banning the sale of ICE vehicles starting in 2035. The state is aiming that all vehicles sold from 2035 must not emit greenhouse gases. The state seeks to have 35% of new cars sold to the public be EVs by 2026, and they are rising by more than two-thirds by 2030 and an outright 100% five years later. However, residents in California will still be able to operate a gas-powered vehicle and buy used gas-powered cars after the ban in 2035. At the same time, some exemptions will be made by the state for selected gas-electric hybrid models that can still be sold in California. Bạn cần đăng nhập để tương tác với nội dung này: Đăng nhập.