Home Forums Discussions Yellow Triangle with exclamation point inside

  • Yellow Triangle with exclamation point inside

    0 VF Points
    03/06/2024 at 11:55

    Just picked up my VF8 on Saturday. It is showing a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it on the Home Screen. I go in the app and it says the car is in great health. Anyone have any suggestions?




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  • Scott Davis

    0 VF Points
    03/06/2024 at 11:57

    That is saying the chimes haves been turned off for the speed limit. Or that sign recognition has been turned off. You can go in the ADAS of the system and turn those on and it will go away but will start getting a bunch of chimes

    • Mike McGlinchey

      0 VF Points
      03/07/2024 at 09:07

      Thank you Scott, that is exactly what it was. I will leave the triangle where it is. Vinfast service also got back to me very fast with this exact diagnosis. Car has been great.

  • Jeff Spunt

    0 VF Points
    04/13/2024 at 17:10

    I have my VF8 Plus for 3 weeks now. Enjoying the car but the decisions that the Software Engineers have made tell me that they are either smoking crack on a regular basis or have never driven a car as a consumer. Having to set my preferences every time I get in the car because they do not match what the SW engineers decided they should be is ridiculous. Lane assist the way it works is outright dangerous. Who the ‘f’ wants to drive a car in high regenerative braking all the time? Like driving a gas car in low gear at 80 mph. Stupid! If I would have know how aggravating the crappy software decisions were I would not have leased the car. No XM Radio – insane. I would love to get rid of triangle warning but to hear constant chiming and warnings flashed…. F’ing STUPID!

    • Natalie Ly

      0 VF Points
      04/23/2024 at 22:52

      Newer updates will not show yellow triangle exclamation mark if you turn off Drive aids.

      Other drive modes aint saved for now sadly. I do hope settings are saved with profile at least.

      I listen to music on yt music, so not having access to xm radio isnt a deal breaker for me.

      Have you reported these problems out to call center? If more people report out, they’ll respond quicker.

  • Troung Cao

    0 VF Points
    10/04/2024 at 12:40

    The yellow triangle is absolutely annoying. Makes you wonder if something is wrong with the car each time you get in it. Then when something does actually go wrong, I will end up ignoring the warning sign. Stupid Design that VINFAST needs to fix.

    • Troung Cao

      0 VF Points
      10/16/2024 at 09:13

      Do Vinfast engineers even read these forums? Would be great if they can put out a release on what they are working on to correct in their next updates. A lot of issues can be fixed via software updates. I hope they hire some ex tesla software engineers to really solve some issues.

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