Home Forums Lifestyle Why we chose the VinFast VF8 Plus

  • Why we chose the VinFast VF8 Plus

    0 VF Points
    11/26/2023 at 17:59

    This is a story I tell people that many don’t believe is true. For the past 10 years we’ve been to Vietnam several times for vacation. During our time in Vietnam, we witnessed the many property built by Vingroup and we got curious about who Vingroup is. We soon discovered that Vingroup is owned by Pham Nhat Vuong. We read his profile and he is a very smart individual. Two year ago, me and my husband watched a Auto show in Los Angeles and we saw Vinfast. And that’s how I know the car is from Viet Nam and Pham Nhat Vuong. A few weeks later, we watched the VinFast presented in the Las Vegas Car Show and we decided to put a deposit for reservation. We haven’t seen the car in the public and touched it, only on the TV, however we deposit it because we believe Pham Nhat Vuong can do it. A year later, we signed up for the test drive at Long Beach and we like the design of the VF8 and the 10 year warranty. In June, we went back to Vietnam and we used VF8 Taxi for 7 weeks for transportation and we asked the driver questions about the VF8, they recommended us to buy one. When we came back to the United States in August, we went to Irvine Spectrum to order the Standard VF8 Plus. We heard that there are software issues about the car. We think it’s normal as many new products have bugs. Vinfast would need time to tweak the software issue and while there are some issues, it is not a big deal. We drove the VF8 for three months and we are satisfied with the car. We have not experienced any issues with software and we think we made the right choice in buying the VF8.

    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  Admin.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  Admin.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  Chau57.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  Admin.



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  • Natalie Ly

    40 VF Points
    11/27/2023 at 12:29

    Love it anh Chau and chi Giang 😉

    Still many people dont believe there are good VF8s out there besides the lemons/user-errors.

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