Home Forums Discussions The useful features for VinFast to avoid headaches down the road

  • The useful features for VinFast to avoid headaches down the road

    0 VF Points
    08/30/2023 at 01:04

    Extremely useful wishlist!

    I am sure there are other useful lists, but 3 of the most useful to avoid potential headaches for customers are:

    Dash cam mode while driving. I have seen people of all countries install a third party camera facing front and in the rear to capture video of their trips. Some even had to modify their interior to install these cameras, this ruin the cosmetic of the car, not to mention it is never safe to have something hanging in the car or clipping on a mirror permanently.

    VinFast could use the 2 cameras (1 front and 1 back) to do continuous recording while in drive mode. Once the driver honks the horn, press save button, or stops suddenly (maybe from slamming on the break or in an accident) then the camera would record the last (maybe) 5 minutes or so and may stop 5 minutes after the incidence and saves to a USB drive. Many of us know why we need camera footage, you cannot trust people or other drivers, they could say anything, but a video evidence would show who is at fault in a short time—saving time and resources. Time is money.

    Attached are pictures of dashcams, just ruin the look of a streamlined car. And are unsafe, in hard collision accidents, these cameras could fly everywhere inside the car. Flying projectile are dangerous!

    Sentinel mode. When park in a shady place or the customer has reason to believe his car might be targeted. Turn on Sentinel mode and only works when battery is over 20%. This mode would use the car’s radar to constantly scan for people or object nearby. Once detects motion, it would record and save a short clips from the camera where motioned was detected or even save all 4 sides of the car. There are times when people hit and run in parking lot, or people key your car just because they have a grudge against your or new car, all sorts of crazy people out there. A clip or clips showing the culprit would help police and or car insurance.

    Live view camera on app. If someone walks near your car and your VinFast app alerts you, you could use a live view to see all sides of the parked car. Maybe even has an option to talk to the phone and it will send your voice over to the car so you could talk to the people who are near your car like, “nice car huh, or can I help you with something, you have been looking at my car,” etc. Sometimes people park in a multi level parking structure and the gps could only tell you where but not which floor. You could use live view in app to see around your car and could narrow down to remind you of where you parked. Perhaps a live view option is not as useful as the other 2 above since not many people park in a multi level parking lot everyday. But you never know what you might see and record in live view app, what is there is a crime in progress where your car is park and no one else is around to see it, now you have evidence of that. The need of live view camera is there, we may not know that we need it yet, until we have it.

    (At least one other car manufacturer implemented all 3 I mentioned above, those who use these, love these features).




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  • Natalie Ly

    0 VF Points
    08/30/2023 at 09:40

    Dash cam, live view and sentinel are great features. If hardware is already there, a bunch more software updates would get VF there. If not, it is definitely something VF can add on for the manufactured-in-USA models.

    The car manufacturer you mentioned must be Tesla. Thank you for enlightening me on these handy features.

    Right now, i’m waiting for summon mode, auto park/auto departure and jelly view on my VF8. How do i go about applying to be beta testers for VF? 😅

    We love to try out new features and provide feedback.

    • Rudy Hughs

      0 VF Points
      08/30/2023 at 19:48

      These features are really great. I cant even think of. And I agree with you Natalie, this could be done with software development, Or maybe a few extra hardware upgrades…

      • Natalie Ly

        0 VF Points
        08/30/2023 at 21:11

        Thanks Rudy

        Are you driving a VF now? Just curious. 😊

    • Rudy Hughs

      0 VF Points
      08/30/2023 at 21:56

      Not yet Natalie. I’m still holding my reservation.

      • Natalie Ly

        0 VF Points
        08/30/2023 at 22:11

        For VF8 or VF9?

      • Rudy Hughs

        0 VF Points
        08/30/2023 at 22:13

        VF 9 Natalie.

  • Natalie Ly

    0 VF Points
    08/30/2023 at 21:50

    Name suggestions for VF sentry mode: VinEye, VinSpy, Vin I Spy, VinGuardian, VinCompanion, VinWatch etc. 😅

    • hoang van

      0 VF Points
      08/31/2023 at 07:25

      I like the VinEyes one. Or the VinGuard, sounds like Vanguard the mutual fund group with 7 trillion USD porfolio, which is also nice.

      • Natalie Ly

        0 VF Points
        08/31/2023 at 07:35

        VinGuard and Vanguard are too similar. That’s why i went with VinGuardian but sounded wordy.

        Probably the most straightforward is VinEyes 👀

  • Natalie Ly

    0 VF Points
    08/30/2023 at 22:25

    @Rudy: that’s a huge one 😉

    • hoang van

      0 VF Points
      08/31/2023 at 07:26

      VF9 with 330 miles range. That could do wonders for road trips!

      • Natalie Ly

        0 VF Points
        08/31/2023 at 07:38

        True, but im so done with big cars. VF8 is that perfect size for me.

        330 miles would help you reach your National Park goal with less charging sessions and avoid getting hit by unwanted wildlife on the road. 😅


    0 VF Points
    09/17/2023 at 05:54

    Thank you for your recommendation. I, too, think that having dash cam and sentry features is very important for VinFast car owners. Hope VinFast will be able to incorporate these features in future updates..


    0 VF Points
    10/07/2023 at 08:40

    I have no choice but installing a dash cam in my car since we don’t know when or if VinFast would provide the sentry feature. The dashcam is truly needed as you want to record activities around your car even when it’s parked. It’s a way to deter the possible vandalism targeting your beloved VF car..

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