Home Forums Discussions Safety systems keep shutting off

  • Safety systems keep shutting off

    0 VF Points
    12/03/2023 at 14:45

    Good morning I have had my car since March. It is a City Edition and if the techs can not figure out why the safety devices keep becoming unavailable in fog, rain, probably snow and when light hit cameras or sensors directly. I will try and start buyback process. This becomes a safety issue and possible a road hazard as if these systems shut off or maybe they just not working I do not know. I think 6mos is plenty of time for tech to get the systems working properly in those conditions so the safety feature do not shut off




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  • Natalie Ly

    0 VF Points
    12/04/2023 at 15:50

    Mine would come off when we drive into bright lights, fog or heavy rain. However, within a few mins it came back on since sensors arent blinded anymore with the case of bright lights (sunset/sunrise).

    If the sensors cant detect/see, it’s better for me to take control rather than trusting in the system that can fail.

    Sounds like yours come off regularly or just never work?

  • Scott Davis

    0 VF Points
    12/04/2023 at 19:55

    It’s the on off situation. However still a safety issue. Because if for some reason something we’re to happen and they are unavailable will Vinfast take liability as their safety systems were unavailable. I highly doubt it. This is the first vehicle where the rain, fog, sun, and snow will mess up the safety systems of the vehicle. I know techs are aware of issues but nothing so far has been done to remedy it.

    • Phong Vo

      0 VF Points
      12/09/2023 at 10:06

      This VF8 was built on X5 platform and if all the sensory circuits were copied over, software manipulation will not fix the underlying issue permanently. This was a known issue on X3 and X5. You can go to BMW forums to find out more.

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