Home Forums Owner’s Tips Insurance Cost for Vinfast in California is way out of control

  • Insurance Cost for Vinfast in California is way out of control

    0 VF Points
    10/17/2024 at 19:58

    My 2023 VF8 is costing me almost $500 per months for insurance, I shopped many companies and they say that care company have no history and they can’t do anything about it, my 2023 Lexus GX460 is insured for about $1000 per months the VF8 is insured for $2900, anyone can help this is a disaster That Cost is killing any savings we got on the car, so at this point the car is costing way too much to keep any help would ne appreciated




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  • E Say

    0 VF Points
    10/19/2024 at 06:33

    Unfortunately I didn’t know the insurance cost after I leased the car, otherwise I didn’t do it. They advertise they cars inexpensive, but in reality it ends up cost much more than a high quality and reputable electric car, and still we dealing with all the manufacturing issues

    I had the same insurance issue, but Progressive gave me for about $1000 for 6 months.

    • Hem v

      0 VF Points
      11/14/2024 at 19:17

      Progressive gave me the same rate, cheapest I could find

  • tuan le

    0 VF Points
    10/20/2024 at 11:29

    We asked State Farm before signing paperwork because we heard about outrageous insurance rates. We now pay $125 a month for our VF8 which is 2 times more than our 2018 Mazda 3. Our friend pays $200/month for his Tesla Y with AAA. We all have excellent driving records, no claims last 5 years and 2 cars and a house each. Hope this helps gauging how much you should pay for your insurance. As far as saving money, we think there’s none because of high insurance. The trade off for an eventual cleaner environment is what we want.


    0 VF Points
    11/02/2024 at 13:26

    I don’t drive very many miles. Full / max coverage on my 2023 VF8 Plus CE is $71 base + $0.10/mile through Lemonade (formerly Metromile) in California.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by  Redjedi71.
  • Michael Ross

    0 VF Points
    11/13/2024 at 10:31

    I just leased a VF8 yesterday and my 6 month premium increased by $380 over what I was paying for a 2019 Mini Cooper through State Farm. I am paying about $50/month more than before. That is not terrible in my opinion, but my budgeting allowed some wiggle room. It especially helps that the lease deal was so attractive in the first place.

  • Kurt Brust

    0 VF Points
    11/29/2024 at 02:35

    We have 2, vf8 plus’s w024 here in Florida, I pay $168/month total for both with full coverage, progressive

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