Home Forums Owner’s Tips EV Glossary Of Terms for Beginners

  • EV Glossary Of Terms for Beginners

    0 VF Points
    12/10/2022 at 23:56

    Electric vehicles (EVs) are a growing segment of the automotive industry. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of EV terminology so that you can better understand all things EV-related! VinFast wants to put everyone in an electric vehicle—and that means making EV terminology and technology easier to understand!

    EV: All-EVs

    EV is an acronym for electric vehicle, which includes vehicles that run on 100% electric power. With an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine, EVs are considered more environmentally friendly because they do not rely on fossil fuels. They contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases.

    EVs are powered by an electric motor and have a battery pack. They can be charged at home or at public charging stations. In some cases, EVs have regenerative braking systems that allow them to recharge while slowing down or stopping—this means they will use less energy over time than traditional internal combustion engines (ICE) that rely on friction brakes to slow down.

    Regenerative Braking System (RBS)

    Regenerative braking is a way for EVs to transfer the slowing momentum of the vehicle into additional energy. If you’ve ever driven an EV, you’ll feel the magnetic resistance of the electric motor increase when braking. During this regenerative phase, this added friction in the drivetrain slows the vehicle down. That’s because the braking system on EVs will convert kinetic energy into electricity for storage and use. The EV’s gearbox will act as a miniature generator, receiving kinetic energy from the wheels when slowing down and converting it into electricity. This electrical energy will be stored in the battery and then sent back to the electric motor when needed.

    Currently, there are EVs on the market that have the ability to recover up to 70% of the energy generated when braking. As a result, braking performance is improved—and fuel consumption is reduced. What’s more? Regenerative braking technology has improved the life of brake pads, reducing maintenance, repair and replacement costs.

    Charging level

    This is a term that refers to the energy level when charging the battery of an EV. Normally EVs will have 3 charging levels, as follows:

    • Level 1 (shallow) charging uses a standard 120 volt outlet and can take up to 10 hours to fully charge an EV.
    • Level 2 (medium) charging requires an outlet with 240 volts, which can be found in most homes, workplaces and public locations such as shopping malls, airports or garages. A full charge takes about four hours using this method.
    • Level 3 (deep) charging uses 480-volt technology that delivers power directly from the electric grid through what’s called an EV supply equipment (EVSE). These stations can fill up a battery in less than 30 minutes!

    Efforts are underway in most western countries to strategically plan and install large-scale interconnected EV charging stations.

    Off peak Charging

    Off-peak charging is a term for the practice of charging an EV (EV) at night when demand on the power grid is lower. Off-peak charging helps users save energy costs while ensuring the car is fully charged in time for its next trip. Charging stations are often located in convenient locations such as restaurants and shops. Each charging station is usually equipped with multiple turbochargers to help the driver continue their journey quickly.

    Greenhouse Gases (GHG)

    Greenhouse gases (GHG) are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. They are produced by burning fossil fuels, which is a major source of emissions. GHGs have a warming effect on the climate, and their concentration in Earth’s atmosphere is increasing rapidly because of human activity.

    In 2022, CO2 emissions accounted for about 79% of total US GHG emissions. Meanwhile, EVs produce almost no emissions, helping to reduce impact on air quality.

    EVs are an important part of meeting the global goals for climate change reduction, helping to limit the increase in global temperature to below 2 degrees celsius, compared with pre-industrial levels.

    EV supply equipment

    EV supply equipment (EVSE) is the equipment used to charge an EV. EVSE includes the charging station, power grid and utility companies responsible for providing electricity to that station. EVSE also includes cables, connectors, and charging points.


    If you’re thinking of buying an EV, then it is a good idea to know the common terminology so that you can make an informed decision. The more knowledge you have about these terms, the better equipped you will be when making decisions about which EV would best suit your needs.



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