Home Forums Battery & Charging Electrify America : 97KWH consumption to charge 87kwh Vf8 from 35% to 90% at Level 3

  • Electrify America : 97KWH consumption to charge 87kwh Vf8 from 35% to 90% at Level 3

    0 VF Points
    03/06/2024 at 11:55

    Does it make any sense? EA charged me $45. dollars for 51min usage charging VF8 from 35 to 90%




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  • Scott Davis

    0 VF Points
    03/06/2024 at 12:03

    If you will use EA frequently become a member of EA. Price is so many cent per minute to charge normally $.48 or close to that. Then the 4.99 initial charge and so on. Plus if you use a debit card they will do a charge of $40 to ensure you have the money to cover and put that in the EA account or just as a hold to cover charging cost then refund money back .

    If it was $45 on charge screen on EA station itself then look at costs, time of charge for rates, and if it stopped charging their is an idle fee of 1.00 a minute

    • Maninder Waraich

      0 VF Points
      03/07/2024 at 05:35

      I was there all the time while car being charged. I’m not electrical engineer but will ask my fellow workers can energy consumption be more than the actual battery rating during charging?

      • Natalie Ly

        40 VF Points
        03/07/2024 at 14:25

        I noticed the kw consumption is somehow double the actual kw car received on EA receipts.

  • Maninder Waraich

    0 VF Points
    03/07/2024 at 16:00

    and I used VINfast app for charging

  • ted pan

    0 VF Points
    03/11/2024 at 18:40

    It’s only happened in EA? How many watt did you charged?

    • Maninder Waraich

      0 VF Points
      03/11/2024 at 20:10

      yes at EA only. I have no idea how many watts but charged from 35% to 90%. I have stopped using EA after this

      • Scott Davis

        0 VF Points
        03/12/2024 at 07:00

        I was joking at at EA and the app does indeed dbl the kilowatts given from what is displayed on station. However I do have free charging but for ones that do not take pick of the EA station for price and then look at what it is showing on app receipt if different contact customer service and provide the pics they will refund the difference if price is different. But I think it’s just a glitch on the app to EA communications.

  • Scott Davis

    0 VF Points
    03/15/2024 at 06:51

    I just went to EA last night and station had 47kw consumption the app showed double so it is probably the app glitch.

  • Ethan Castillo

    0 VF Points
    03/24/2024 at 20:28

    This is what I got charged from 30 to 90%… I would recommend trying to charge at home. If you can and have access utilize the dryer outlet, you’ll fully charge for 5hours and it would only be about $10-$15 (@0.19/kwh).

    This is the adapter I needed (yours may be different): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B097M95SWY/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1&_encoding=UTF8&tag=itssjustej-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=e3fc00bc97b974aac5c69a4a38d5c257&camp=1789&creative=9325

    • Scott Davis

      0 VF Points
      03/25/2024 at 08:13

      For EA charginging the rates in California are .56 cents now so when I charge it normally will cost between $25 to $30 from 25% to 90%. I do getax speed of 123kw until 40 or 50%. We are moving to an apartment so will not have luxury of charging at home anymore.. chargeppint is too expensive and since I have free charging I’m going to stick with EA for now

      • Ethan Castillo

        0 VF Points
        03/27/2024 at 12:34

        This is great to hear! Glad you have free charging and I agree there is not really great chargers (publicly at least) In my area if you’re looking for fast charging.

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