Home Forums Discussions Are there any platforms made to sell our reservations easily?


  • Are there any platforms made to sell our reservations easily?

    0 VF Points
    12/12/2022 at 14:20

    I have a Jan. 5, 2022 reservation for a VF9. I have all the perks for it and looking to sell. I contacted Vinfast customer service originally to see if I can cancel but was told to sell the reservation because they’ve been getting a lot of late adopters wanting the perks that Vinfirst people received. They state it’s up to $15,000 USD value w/all the perks they offer (pre-price hike pricing, $5k voucher, Vietnam vacation, and ADAS included). Does anyone know the market value? I’ve been seeing $1000-$2000 and was offered $1500 just recently. I’m in no rush to sell since if these vehicles get more and more good reviews, I can hopefully see the premium go up. I’m pretty confident I will not go through with a Vinfast vehicle since I have a Rivian R1S (pre-price hike) on order and should arrive about the same time as the VF9. I also have the Volvo EX90 as well to decide with.

    Only platforms I see that I can post these reservations for sale, vinfasttalk forum, facebook groups, and reddit. Also craigslist.




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  • hieu tran

    0 VF Points
    12/20/2022 at 15:12

    i want my vinfast asap

  • Zuhair Shaikh

    0 VF Points
    12/17/2022 at 09:58

    You have to transfer the NFT along with the reservation for it to work. And you transfer reservation over the phone with VinFast customer support.

  • Sachin Bhutani

    0 VF Points
    12/13/2022 at 21:38

    you can list /sell the NFT on opensea

  • James Wright

    0 VF Points
    12/12/2022 at 15:38

    I don’t have any suggestions, but I’m in almost exactly the same boat (January 10th VF 9 reservation, pre-price hike R1S reservation, and an EX 90 reservation). I was hoping my VF 9 would get here in Q2 of 2023, but, at this point, I don’t see that happening. Please keep us posted if you end up selling your VF 9 reservation.

  • Zuhair Shaikh

    0 VF Points
    12/12/2022 at 14:26

    You should take the $1500. No way to know how things will turn out.

    If you absolutely want to just wait, send that person to me. I’ll give them mine for $1500.

    • Duc Tran

      0 VF Points
      12/27/2022 at 14:15

      Hello Zuhair, I’ve just got the VinFirst voucher as I won the What3Words competition during LAAS 2022. If you are interested in this voucher, ping me.

      • Zuhair Shaikh

        0 VF Points
        12/29/2022 at 12:22

        Could you find out if multiple vouchers stack? I already have a VinFirst voucher.

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