Home Forums EV Technology A Beginner’s Guide to EV Ownership

  • A Beginner’s Guide to EV Ownership

    0 VF Points
    12/11/2022 at 23:27

    The transition from a conventional gasoline engine to an electric vehicle or EV is one of the most exciting transitions you can make. There are numerous benefits to owning an EV, including:

    • Cheaper running costs
    • Fewer emissions
    • Lower maintenance
    • Quieter driving experience

    But there are plenty of questions too. New EV owners or those considering going electric for the first time are sometimes daunted by the magnitude of the change. But you don’t need to be. Here are some simple answers to common questions.

    What Are the Main Differences When Driving an EV vs. Gas Car

    Internal combustion engines (ICE) and electric motors are two very distinct powertrains. An EV is quieter and produces 100% of its torque sooner, making it accelerate from a standstill faster. Plus, an EV slows down quicker than a conventional engine. This means many EV drivers have to modify their driving habits slightly, but almost always for the better.

    Where Do I Charge My Electric Car?

    The easiest and most efficient way to charge an EV is at home. Most EV owners use their home garages to keep their EVs topped up. In fact, most electric car owners use public charging stations very rarely, or even never at all. Unless you’re on a weekend road trip or traveling between cities, most EVs have a range that covers an entire week of driving. VinFast VF 8 and VF 9 SUVs, for example, have a range of 292 and 369 miles.

    Do I Need a Level 2 Charger?

    You’ll get the best experience from a 240v “Level 2” charger installed in your home. These can charge your battery much more quickly than standard power outlets.

    Pro tip: Try to keep your battery charge between 20 and 80%. This will make it last longer than batteries charged to 100%.

    Ready to Take the EV Plunge?

    Drive by VinFast to learn more about our line-up of premium, zero-emission SUVs.

    Do you already have an electric car? If so, what’s your tip for new EV owners? Let us know in the comments below.



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