Increasing Access to Zero-Emission Vehicles for all Californians

As the leading state in eliminating fossil fuels in the US, the California state government has announced a plan to reduce carbon emissions that cause environmental pollution, with the goal that by 2035 all new cars sold will be emission-free. This goal was set by state governor Gavin Newsom in his roadmap to gradually reduce the number of new vehicles sold without emissions.
If approved by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), this will become a “guideline” for all states’ efforts to reduce emissions, because California is currently the largest car consumption market in the United States with more than 40 million consumers. The specific roadmap is that the state of California will increase the number of new cars sold without emissions by 1/3 by 2026 and by 2/3 by 2030.
Governor Newsom proposed, and the Legislature has approved, $2.7 billion in fiscal year 2022-23, and $3.9 billion over three years, for investment in ZEV adoption, as well as clean mobility options for California’s most environmentally and economically burdened communities. These programs support the new regulation by increasing access to ZEVs for all Californians, including moderate- and low-income consumers. They include:
- Clean Cars 4 All provides up to $9,500 to low-income drivers who scrap their older vehicles and want to purchase something that runs cleaner.
- The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) provides up to $7,000 for income-qualified drivers to buy or lease a ZEV.
- The Clean Vehicle Assistance Program provides low-income car buyers with special financing and up to $5,000 in down-payment assistance.
The Governor’s ZEV budget includes $400 million over three years for the statewide expansion of Clean Cars 4 All and for a suite of clean transportation equity projects. The budget also includes $525 million for the Clean Vehicles Rebate Project (CVRP). In addition, there is $300 million for more charging infrastructure, especially for those consumers who may not have a garage where they can charge their EV.
Mr. Daniel Sperling – a member of CARB – last week expressed confidence that the plan would be approved. He believes that this is an important plan not only for California, but for the entire United States and the world.
In recent years, many countries and regions around the world, especially in Europe, have paid attention to the problem of automobile pollution.
Norway has set a goal that by 2025, all new cars sold will be emission-free.
Britain, Singapore and Israel are aiming for this goal by 2030, while the European Union (EU) wants to completely stop selling cars powered by fossil fuels from 2035.
Increased emissions from human activities causing climate change have increased the Earth’s average temperature, leading to a series of extreme weather phenomena and natural disasters.
For a long time, scientists have emphasized that minimizing emissions from fossil fuels is a decisive factor in solving the problem of climate change.
The VinFast team is working hard every day to improve the quality and position of products in the US market to help customers gain more benefits from social support programs on environmental protection.
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