Reply Discussion

  • Rich Kuo

    0 VF Points
    09/21/2024 at 20:49

    Car is fine with the price point consideration. Things I like – the car is quite fast due to dual motor and the adaptive cruise control.

    Main unsolved issue is the random nonstop loud fan noise and the associated battery drain.

  • Rich Kuo

    0 VF Points
    09/21/2024 at 20:41

    I have exactly the same issue. Loud fan noise comes on intermittently and it would not stop and drian the battery. The only way I found so far to stop the internal fan running is to plug in the charger. However it is a problem for me to drive long distance to work and only to find out later the battery had been drianed from 50% to 30%. Own the car for 2 months with this ongoing issue!