Reply Discussion

  • Hung Giang

    0 VF Points
    01/31/2024 at 22:18

    For the record, I was a supporter of Vinfast and I was the VF8 pioneer. After 9 months, 2 VF8, Vinfast bought my car back.

    Today, I received a 1099 from Vinfast for the incentive that they paid me after my first car was in their shop for almost 2 weeks.

    Vinfast is making like I earn something from them on the 1099 for almost $900. This is rediculous. They paid for the damages and Vinfast is forcing me to pay income tax on this.

    I am no longer a supporter of Vinfast. They do not know how to do legitimate business in America. They can be king in Vietnam, but not here.

    Vinfast California management, please do not ask me to remove my post again since I will not.

  • Hung Giang

    0 VF Points
    08/08/2023 at 15:24

    For the echo version, I wish there is a pull strap on the trunk door to pull and close the back door. The back door is simply too high and there is not much thing to grasp it with.

  • Hung Giang

    0 VF Points
    07/16/2023 at 14:47

    I wrote my negative experience comment and I cannot find my comments any more. This forum is junk and only used to promote Vinfast that biased.

  • Hung Giang

    0 VF Points
    06/13/2023 at 22:46

    My VF8 Echo firmware version just got updated. I think that it is worse than previous version. The alerts keep coming up constantly even I waited at least 1 minute before driving after starting the vehicle.

    It has been very frustrated. I really like the people at Vinfast, but with this condition, I really cannot drive this car and feel safe.

    The profile setting still does not save other than just the side mirrors…

    I will contact Vinfast services tomorrow. If they can address this, I will return this car due to it is not being safe driving.