Home Forums Car Reviews Early Media Views and Reviews on VinFast Reply To: Early Media Views and Reviews on VinFast

  • VF Staff 02

    0 VF Points
    05/17/2023 at 17:03

    Hi Gabriel Rodriguez,

    Thank you for voicing your concern with the VinFast Community! At VinFast, we consider user reviews to be an invaluable source of feedback as they point out opportunities for us to improve our products. I know we have had a rough start, but through tireless innovation, I am confident that we can make a great comeback.

    Currently, VinFast has no plans to drop prices. If there is going to be a price drop, we will be sure to let you know via our official channels and our website at vinfastauto.us along with details on rebates if applicable.

    Lastly, details for the Standard VF 8 trims have been published on our website accordingly. Please visit vinfastauto.us for the most updated prices and ranges.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call to 1-833-503-0600. We are available 24/7 to assist!