Home Forums Car Reviews Anybody in this forum bought/leased VF8 in US so far? Reply To: Anybody in this forum bought/leased VF8 in US so far?


    0 VF Points
    03/10/2023 at 17:59

    Oh yes, I would say around 200 for my PLUS. I have been charging mostly at the charge stations since my LVL1 charger is very, very slow at home. I will use a LVL 2 charger soon and that should speed up for overnight session. I just ordered a LVL2 charger from Amazon to be plugged into the dryer outlet in the garage. The charger that comes with the car can be both LVL1 and LVL2 , depending on whether it’s plugged into the 110v or 220v outlet. My outlet is a 3-pronged one so I cannot use the 4-pronged plug the VF charger has.

    If things still don’t work out, I will then install a LVL2 charger which costs more with installation..