Home Forums Discussions Real leather seats gone? Reply To: Real leather seats gone?

  • Gabriel Rodriguez

    0 VF Points
    01/09/2023 at 21:12

    I understand what you’re saying but original pricing was based on real leather not fake leather. I understand the Sustainability” issue but when you promote your product with certain materials and than change it with no notice like many other issues they’ve changed, I call it misleading. I think I may be fine with Vegan Leather if the quality was there and Vinfast would warrant the materials to last within the bumper to bumper warranty but I’ve reached out twice to Vinfast reps and have yet to receive a straight answer to my question. I don’t think it fair to substitute a cheaper material only to have it fall apart 6 -10 years later only to have Vinfast tell it me it wasn’t covered under the warranty. I welcome clarification from a Vinfast rep to comment on this issue and confirm Vegan Leather seats would be covered under the warranty.