Home Forums Discussions Wrap All the Subscriptions into One Monthly Fee

  • Wrap All the Subscriptions into One Monthly Fee

    0 VF Points
    12/12/2022 at 09:05

    Very into the battery subscription program, but can also understand why people wouldn’t want it and would rather purchase or finance the battery right out.

    But for those doing the subscription, it would be nice if the additional services could be rolled into that monthly fee.

    A discount on those services for subscribers would be even better, but definitely some sort of one price, Vinfast Plus subscription service would be great.




Newest Comment

  • John Martin

    0 VF Points
    12/12/2022 at 10:43

    They should add vehicle insurance into it also

    • David Pittman

      0 VF Points
      12/12/2022 at 14:27

      100 percent. Possibly even make it cheaper dependent on how many hours you have their ADAS engaged.

      Honestly, bundle it all together. A monthly detailing service at a Vinfast dealership/showroom. Throw an Electrify America Pass+ membership in there. Give me all the car stuff and one price subscription.

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