Home Forums EV Technology What are the advantages of regenerative braking?

  • What are the advantages of regenerative braking?

    0 VF Points
    12/10/2022 at 09:26

    First, regenerative braking improves a vehicle’s fuel economy and prolongs the charge of its battery. As an energy recovery mechanism, regenerative braking slows down a vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into a form that can either be immediately used or stored until needed for future use in reducing engine load when the vehicle accelerates again. In traditional systems, excess kinetic energy is converted to wasted heat due to friction caused by the brakes pressing against the moving wheels.

    The energy captured by the regenerative braking system can be used to recharge the vehicle’s battery and allow it to enjoy a prolonged charge while driving–this is a significant benefit to EVs especially. Even for traditional gas-powered vehicles, regenerative braking can significantly improve fuel economy and in extension, range, for driving in city traffic and for times when frequent stops are made. With improved fuel economy comes savings on gas! Since there is also less friction generated, the braking system experiences less wear and the life of the brake pads is prolonged with the needs for replacements reduced.





Newest Comment

  • Jason Portwood

    0 VF Points
    12/11/2022 at 06:08

    I love extending the life of mechanical brakes by using regenerative breaks. They also stop much quicker when they work together. The only downside is when the battery is full or topped off, regenerative breaks may not be available at first. What is VF doing to prevent this or considering so that we may have them available even at the start of the day? One workaround may be to not charge the battery to 100% so that you can keep the ability to regen*

  • Anthony Price

    0 VF Points
    12/11/2022 at 14:32

    Glad to hear Vinfast EVs will have regenerative braking! When should Vinfast pioneers hear more about the opportunity to customize vehicles?

  • David Pittman

    0 VF Points
    12/11/2022 at 17:00

    How’s the one pedal driving? It doesn’t have to be all the way to stop (that would be great tho)

  • John Martin

    0 VF Points
    12/12/2022 at 10:45

    Will the amount of Regen be adjustable?

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