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vinfast landing website updated
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12/27/2022 at 15:04City Edition loud and proud?
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Not that I am interested in the City Edition (C.E), but wondering if it’s only for California residents? I know some of you all have received an email from Vinfast regarding this. I live on the east coast and being a vinfirst pioneer I have yet to receive email communication on C.E. So my question is, any of the members/vinfirst pioneers on the east coast received email on C.E?
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And just confirmed via chat that the City Edition is only available for California residents for now.
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we have received many emails and calls. No thanks, hard pass. I’d have considered it if the battery subscription was available as range really isn’t an issue for me. However, that low of a range needs an adjustment to the price gross and net of battery subscription.
I think they banked on consumers really really wanting to be ‘first’. Ah, nope.
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I believe the only reason they are not offering battery lease for this batch is due to the difficulty of getting the purchases financed by American banks since no such thing existed prior to VinFast. I am sure negotiations with banks are going on in the background to prepare for the battery lease when the next delivery comes.
I, too, would be willing to buy the CE but only if it came with the battery lease option which would lower the price a great deal for Vinfirsts..
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Webpage I think been like that since Saturday or Sunday. Well they are really pushing the CE right now lol. I think I have gotten like 3 or 4 emails about getting a CE already. I already found mistakes in their CE Bulletin that will be confusing. If you look at the big part where it goes thru the terms of the lease it says .25/10000 miles but if you read the disclaimer it shows a different mileage being at 25k miles lol so which is it. I didn’t realize that you could also buy the vehicle after the lease. Now if they didn’t take away the battery subscription I might have done it. The purchase option at the lease end, excluding tax, title, and government fees, is $37,442, plus a purchase option fee of $350. Lease available to California residents only.The purchase option at the lease end, excluding tax, title, and government fees, is $37,442, plus a purchase option fee of $350. Lease available to California residents only. Now wonder since a lot of us reserved before 9/1/22 if we were to get this variation if they would allow us to have the battery subscription lol.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Scott Davis.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Scott Davis.
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I posted Saturday. New Posts are ‘approved’ b4 showing up. Guess no weekend crew over Xmas……
I wonder how many of the 999 have been sold?
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Not sure I just got an email about them trying to contact me to let me know about the CE are almost ready to be sold to consumers and if I wanted to place the order.
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yeah, I keep getting emails about the CE as well. As if I’ll change my mind. I was pretty clear when they called no subscription options means I can’t.
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as long as we are speculating here I don’t think US banks will care much about the battery being leased. Plus, near impossible for vinfast to negotiate with every single US bank. Pretty sure it will be a non-issue.
What could be a glitch is the US insurance industry might have to figure out how to insure a vehicle where something worth around $20k is not owned by the person insured. That should, in theory, make the insurance cheaper. No doubt will be worked out pretty quickly, I hope.
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I am with you on this as that is one of the reasons I surance is much higher for an EV is because of the battery. However, they will probably need to create 2 different insurance quotes or formats for the first set of VF8 for the battery leasing and owning. If an accident occurs insurance company will either have to contact Vinfast to replace battery or they will have to buy the battery when doing a totalled claim.
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