Home Forums Discussions Pricing?


  • Pricing?

    0 VF Points
    12/14/2022 at 09:50

    “The rep also broke down pricing for us, saying that the VF 8 City Edition would start at $42,200, the VF 8 Eco at $55,000, and VF 8 Plus at $57,000, all without the battery pack. Consumers, he said, would then add a flat monthly fee of $169 per month for an unlimited mile lease of the VF 8’s battery from Vin Fast, or, he said, simply tack on $20,000 to the MSRP if you’d like to buy your VF 8’s battery outright.”



    Later in the article, VinFast clarifies that rep was incorrect. But there still isn’t total clarity. I’m a Pioneer. My understanding from VinFast is I’m locked into the originally announced ~$40/47,000 MSRPs for the VF8 Eco and Plus, as well as the $110/mo for unlimited mileage battery subscription. I’m in NC, so I won’t get to proceed to purchase until at least 2Q 2023. But now I’m wondering if, because they didn’t specify an Eco or Plus model, if I’ll be only offered the City Edition at those prices and have to shell out more for the Eco or Plus (the latter is my preference).

    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  moderator02.
    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  Dustin.
    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  moderator02.



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  • Scott Davis

    0 VF Points
    12/14/2022 at 11:16

    Hello yeah the pricing went up a lot more than what i was thinking it would. I do believe if you placed a reservation before a certain time that you are price locked in with the original pricing. So if you are part of the Pioneer program you are price locked at the cheaper rates.


    “Even before officially operating in Canada, Vietnamese automaker VinFast has made a sudden turn. The electric-vehicle company recently announced price hikes to its upcoming line of SUVs, the VF8 and VF9, though it has vowed to honour its lower prices offered before Sept. 1, 2022.
    Even before officially operating in Canada, Vietnamese automaker VinFast has made a sudden turn. The electric-vehicle company recently announced price hikes to its upcoming line of SUVs, the VF8 and VF9, though it has vowed to honour its lower prices offered before Sept. 1, 2022.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  Scott Davis.
    • Martin Cochet

      0 VF Points
      12/14/2022 at 12:58

      Yes the rep confirmed to me that the prices for the Eco and Plus trims we locked to the ones pre-Sept. 1 2022. But I’ll believe it when I actually get my car 🙂 Technically they may not honor the $3000/$5000 voucher if they deliver after end of 2023.

      • Scott Davis

        0 VF Points
        12/14/2022 at 13:58

        Correct the vouchers for the VF8/9 do end at end of 2023 year. However, if the VF9s are not due to be delivered until end of 2023 they may extend the VF9 vouchers. However, as the VF8s are due to be delivered at Q1 they will not be extended as you will have ample time to decide on getting the vehicle during the 2023 year to use the voucher.

  • hieu tran

    0 VF Points
    12/20/2022 at 15:15

    i m sure vinfast will do what s fair, no worries, such minor issue

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