Home Forums Discussions How do I add a secondary driver?

  • How do I add a secondary driver?

    0 VF Points
    10/17/2024 at 20:05

    I am trying to figure out how to add my wife as a secondary driver of the vehicle. The profile selection allows me to add her profile, and we can even link the second key to her and set her seat and mirror preferences. However. She is unable to use navigation, or even access any of the function screens, instead we get the message “Not link to Vinfast Account” with a Blue Button “Link Now.” When we click that button, we are taken to a screen that requires us to accept the software terms, and put in the account email address. Then a Blue “Link” Button. Clicking this returns the message “Email is unavailable. Please Try Again.” We have gone through these steps many dozens of times, and always get the same error message.

    One Possible Clue is this paragraph on the “Accept Terms” screen: “Data trasmission is required between the vehicle, VinFast IT systems and third party systems in order to link your VinFast account with the profile. This includes the acceptance processs of the Connected Services Agreement. If you do not consent to this data transmission you can click on the “Do not link” button. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.”

    Two observations. First, there is no “Do not link” button.

    Second, I presume that the vehicle must be on WiFi in order to connect to VinFast IT Systems. But when the unregistered profile is active, it is not possible to turn on WiFi.

    I am not able to find any way to add a secondary profile to my account on the website, even though it says that secondary driver profiles can be managed by the primary driver

    Any guidance would be appreciated.



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