VinFast Global Community
VinFast Global Community is the official community for VinFast car owners and VinFast brand lovers around the United States created and managed by VinFast with many online and offline activities and benefits for customers and members.
The VinFast Community Forum is the official two-way interactive online forum site of the Global VinFast Community. It serves as a helpful and refined gathering place where genuine members and owners of VinFast cars may communicate and interact with top VinFast experts to exchange information and experience.
Additionally, the forum gives users the chance to share ideas for enhancing VinFast goods and level of customer care.
- Two-way communication with VinFast and other participants.
- Ability to accumulate loyalty points that can be traded in for various benefits .
- Access to participate in VinFast’s exclusive events.
A Community member can:
- Access the forum https://community.vinfastauto.us daily, read the latest news about VinFast and the car market, look up VinFast’s vehicle information library and seek information about products and services.
- Share your knowledge and opinions by posting original content.
- Interact with other members’ content by sharing, commenting, contributing ideas, and joining debates.
- Start or take part in events, games, activities, and other online and offline pursuits that earn you VF Points.
- Ability to offer suggestions to enhance VinFast’s goods and services.
Titles and VF Points
- Member: Members are VinFast reservation holders. Members can be upgraded to car owner members immediately upon verifying that the member is a VinFast car owner.
- VinFast Car Owner: Member is a VinFast car owner.
- VinFast VIP: The car owner member has made a significant contribution to the VinFast Community based on accumulation of Program Points and is provided access to additional benefits.
Community membership benefits are distributed according to member rank with priority attendance at exclusive events, etc. For details of member benefits, please see: https://community.vinfastauto.us/member-benefits/
Honorary members can upgrade to Car Owner membership as soon as you verify that you are a VinFast car owner. Members can update information on the member’s personal information page. If there are problems, members can call the customer care hotline for support: 833-846-8255
Members cannot donate/give/transfer Program Points and/or membership tiers to others.
Membership benefits
Members can interact by replying, commenting, sharing with articles, sharing sessions of VinFast and VinFast experts on the forum.
In addition, members have the opportunity to be invited to attend meetings and events organized by VinFast and interact with VinFast experts at the event.
Post and contribute contents
Posts on the community forum need to be approved by the community content moderation team to ensure compliance with the VinFast Terms of Use. If the article does not violate the Terms of Use, it will be approved for posting, with the maximum moderation time is 24 hours. If the post violates the forum’s content regulations, the Moderator has the right to refuse the post and the system will send a notice to the member.
In all cases, based on the content regulations of the Forum, Admins and Moderators have the right to hide or delete all posts, or move posts to another suitable topic without prior notice.
We refuse or have the right to delete usernames that use inappropriate or misleading names such as: well-known politicians, leaders of state agencies and organizations, names that are vulgar, provocative or prohibited by law by any means.
For details, refer to the Terms of Use: https://community.vinfastauto.us/terms-of-use/
You can send comments to VinFast’s mailbox ([email protected]) to receive detailed support and feedback.
VinFast Global Community is the official community for VinFast car owners and VinFast brand lovers around the world. VinFast Global Community encourages not to post irrelevant content to ensure the consistency of the forum.
At this time, we do not currently support selling your reservation on the community forum. In the interim, please contact our customer care center for any additional information about your reservation.
Account and registration
For non-car owner or reservation holders: The VinFast Community is currently only open to reservation holders and car owners. This may be updated in the future.
The car owner account is verified by VIN number, if you own more than 01 VinFast car, you can use these VIN numbers to register different member accounts.
With inappropriate posts: Members can report by clicking the “REPORT” button in the upper right corner of the article interface and report violations
For articles that violate the regulations on posting content, the moderation team will refuse to approve the article, the system will send a notice to the posting member with the content: “The article is not approved. Reason: Violation……”
This feature is not available on the current forum