Home Forums Car Reviews 24 VF8 plus 3 weeks in review

  • 24 VF8 plus 3 weeks in review

    0 VF Points
    10/17/2024 at 20:11

    Picked up our 24 VF8 plus a few weeks ago and have about 1,500 miles on it now.

    Wanted to give my first review and point out a few issues, in hope that they can help push for updates/changes from Vinfast to work on the biggest ones quickly. I’ve been in the EV industry for almost 15 years, primarily focused on service and new EV vehicle development for commercial EVs in class 3-6 trucks.

    My car does still have the SW and should get the lasted update in a few weeks when I make the 3 hour drive back to the dealer (Wichita) to pick up my plates.


    – In general its been a great car for the price. The lease deal is awesome! For what I am paying, I can live with the small SW issues in hopes that it is continued to improve.

    – The highway assist is awesome when out on the interstate, especially out of the city. I’ve had zero issues with that system, and makes longer drives effortless and relaxing.


    – My biggest issue with the car is the delay on throttle tip in. There is a noticeable lag between hitting the accelerator pedal and the torque ramping up. It does not give me confidence to make a left turn in traffic, as I have to anticipate the gap and hit the pedal early, to account for the delay.

    There should be an immediate response to pedal application, I understand that it needs to ramp torque, but the reaction time to start ramping and rate of acceleration between 0 and 5 mph is terrible! After about 5-10 mph the torque has ramped up and the acceleration from that point is pretty good and makes for a fun driving experience. I bet if they resolved that reaction time delay and torque ramp, the 0-60 time would drop by a second.

    I know it needs to be limited on tip in/roll out to give a smooth experience and protect the driveline/axles, but there needs to be something more than what it has today!


    – 2nd big issues is the hill hold and its also related to the accel pedal tip in delay. When on a slight incline the active hill hold (keeps brakes applied until accel pedal pressed) does not activate. This allows the car to roll backwards around 12 inches in the time it takes to release the brake and transition to throttle. I’ve found that if I very slowly release the brake pedal before transitioning to the accel peddle, I can reduce the rollback, but that is counter intuitive and hard to do when the light turns green and you want to start moving.

    The active hill hold should be more sensitive and could basically be applied at every stop regardless of angle to prevent roll back. A combo of improving the active hill hold and reducing the accel tip in delay would really make this feel like a different car, and improving the driving experience by a large margin.


    These are really my only 2 current issues which I would like quick improvements on.

    Some other small items/suggestions:

    – when auto trip mileage is displayed on center screen, please include the mi/kW for that trip as well in the top of the display. I regularly have to push on the trip mileage to pull up the efficiency reading, so I can understand how my current driving style/speed is impacting my overall range of that trip.

    Or someplace on the center display add a widget for efficiency and provide trip and instant mi/kW, so that those interested in that data can see it easily.


    – Several small bugs in the SW and center display to cause faults/alerts to appear and then go away. These happen with new products and resolving them takes time.

    – I am looking forward to the new update which sounds like it should resolve some of my memory settings to better keep on each drive. About half the time the lane keep assist reactivates itself between drives, and on occasion my mirrors decide they need to start folding in after each key off.


    – Need some way possible to shut the car off after placing it into Park via the center screen. There is no way of doing that now, which causes the seatbelt chime to sound no matter what when exiting the car.


    – It is not possible to lock the doors via the key fob or drivers door, if any other doors are still open. I need to be able to lock the doors while the doors are still open, as after grabbing the kids/things from the back seat and closing the door, my hands are full so I have to wait until I get inside to take out the fob and press the lock button, which gets forgotten to do easily.

    – Update/get rid of the weather widget. Just display the outdoor temp along the top of the display near the time. If the weather widget would also provide a 3 to 7 day forecast outlook, it would be useful, but in its current state, I don’t need to know if its sunny or cloudy, as I can look out the windshield, and having 2 different temp readings in it is worthless.


    I’m sure there will be more to come, and will try to post more as I get the next SW and see what has improved or changed.

    No regrets in leasing the car yet, and hoping that continues!





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